There is a day for everything … no really there is! The benefit of using social media awareness days relevant to your business include publishing content that is contemporary, interesting and on trend for your audience. And using a social meida diary and planner will help you think about and plan your social media content in advance. When we do that our content tends to have purpose, be meaningful and engaging because we have givne some thought to what we want to say.
Here are just some interesting awareness days this July that might be of interest to your business:
1. Canada Day
3. Thank You Day / Int. Plastic Free Day
7. World Chocolate Day
8. Video Games Day
10. Don’t Step On A Bee Day
15. Social Media Giving Day
17. World Emoji Day
20. National Lollipop Day
25.National Wine & Cheese Day
30. International Friendship Day
31. National Avocado Day / Harry Potter’s Day
I know that creating content can be hard, that is why I have created a 2022 Social Media Diary and Planner that is packed full of ideas, prompts and key dates to help you stand out online in 2022.
My Social Media Diary & Planner is reduced to £10 inc P&P within the UK. Limited availability.