Social Media Power Hour

Sixty Minutes To Social Media Success!

Social Media Power hour to set your business on the road to success!

Sixty minutes is all it could take to demystify social media and set you on the road to success. If you are struggling with ideas on what to say on social media, confused about how to make it work best for your business or just don’t have the time or inclination, Copper Square is available for a consultation.

See Results For Your Business Straight Away

A one-hour session costing only £99 will offer practical advice that can be immediately implemented and help you start seeing results for your business straight away. The process entails reviewing your current social media activity, offering improvements and suggesting ideas

It’s about being laser focused on the task at hand. Some call the sessions coaching, mentoring or one-to-one strategy sessions. Copper Square calls it our  “Social Media Power Hour!” where it’s all about getting stuff done!

Social Media Power Hour
Social Media Power Hour

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