Spring Clean Your Social Media

Our online lives can get as cluttered as our real lives sometimes and that is why it is important as a business to give your social media a spring clean from time to time. There is something about clearing out the old to make way for new updates and inspiration online that will make your social media presence feel refreshed. Here is the Copper Square guide to getting your social media spruced up. 

Ensure your bios and “about” section are up-to-date.

Here is a simple checklist:


  • If your profile picture is more than a couple of years old, replace it with a professional headshot or a current company logo.
  • Update your cover photo with an attractive image. This represents your business, so consider a high-quality shot of your office, your team or a local or seasonal photo.
  • Make sure the ‘About’ section is filled out with the things you want to be known for professionally.
  • Update your hours of business, including holidays along with the correct contact information so it’s easy for potential and current clients to get in touch with you.
  • If you haven’t already secured it, check to see if your business URL is available.

Cross these basic items off the list and then crossover to see if there are any opportunities to improve the content of your social media bios. These sections should maintain a consistent tone and personality overall.

Secure your accounts.

Make sure your passwords are secure by using different, complex passwords for each account. A strong password can help to keep your accounts and data safe, but in the event of a data breach, you’ll want something more secure. Two-factor authentication, or 2FA, adds another layer of security to your personal information. Additionally, review the employee access and privileges for each account, taking time to remove any employees that are no longer with your business. Small steps like these can take no more than a few minutes but could save you days, months, or even years of damage control down the line.

Perform an audit on old content.

If you post content consistently and then after a while struggle to come up with something new, you don’t have to. Don’t sweep old content under the rug; look at past posts and see what has performed well for your business. You can use your business insights and analytics to see what has performed well and then share it again or repurpose it.


Ask yourself the following questions: 


  • Which posts have performed best?
  • Which topics are resonating with my audience? 
  • Which posts have overstayed their welcome, if any? 

Top Tip: Remember not everyone has seen all of your content so get sharing again.

Look at your top three competitors


If you’re looking for inspiration or want a competitive analysis, research your top three competitors. Take a look at their social media profiles and see what they are doing well. What posts have a lot of likes and comments? Dive into those comments and see what the feedback is or if anyone has asked any questions back. Seeing where the holes are in your competition’s social strategy can help you get ahead, and instantly actionable social media ideas. Remember their audience is yours as well.

Unfollow accounts that don’t align with your brand. 


Take the time to go through who you follow on social media. Unfollow particular accounts that no longer align with your business, this could make all the difference to your account and what you see. Only follow accounts that add value and those with which you want to engage. It is a good idea to follow local influencers if you plan on making that part of your social media strategy down the line and be sure to follow the main social media platform accounts so you can keep up to date with new features.

Review your social media strategy and set new goals.

To finish off your social media spring-cleaning, freshen up your strategy and set new monthly, quarterly or annual goals. Identify whether your current strategy is working to achieve your goals for each platform, or if there are changes you can make to encourage success moving forward. 


Maybe your business is covering several platforms yet only one or two of these are performing well for you. If this is the case, turn your focus to the audience you have there. This is your opportunity to set a benchmark for your business and decide on goals moving forward.


Bonus Tip: Set Up a Content Calendar


If you don’t already use a content calendar, it is a great time to put one together. A content calendar is important to keep your content well-organised and on track. It helps you with initial brainstorming, which saves you from last-minute social media posts and helps you produce your content consistently. It provides a central place where your social media strategy can live – it should include your campaigns, quarterly themes, daily posts and upcoming events.


Keep this resource handy so you can revisit it to keep your social media on track. Need help with sorting through your social media strategy? Copper Square is your social media planning friend. For more details on how to work together contact us and let us grow your business together.


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Social Media Content Planning – My Top 6 Tips

Top 3 Reasons To Include Video In Your Social Media Content


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